Saturday, July 25, 2009

1 Week without DTV

This is exactly the one week mark of no cable television.

So far so good, no shakes, or issues with life adapting without the the cableman.

Although I don't think our dog can handle it, as you can see from his anguish ==> He is totally missing out on Animal Planet, Food Network, and Reruns of The Munsters.

Anniversary Cake

Today, H surprised M with the free anniversary cake from our wedding cake baker. The flavors were the flavors that we did not get a chance to try on our wedding, strawberry and pistacio buttercream with vanilla cake.
It was very good, alot of frosting but not overly sweet.


This is from Friday, not too much to report, but when you do make an effort to eat at home, you can save alot. Here in our example: Picked up a 8 buck buffalo steak on the way home from work with some vegetables, net cost 13 bucks. Same food at a restaurant nearby, net cost 18, multiple of 2 people, equating 36 bucks.

Total Savings: 23 dollars.
End Result:
Good Guys Win

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Well not too much action on the mowing front. Weather for today and yesterday was the same, mid 70s and very overcast with spotty rainfall. That will not cut it, pardon the pun. The dog was on the lookout for some progress on 'his' lawn. Tomorrow is the last possible day to cut the grass before the garbage truck arrives, so it better be sunny!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Yard-work

This morning we spent two hours working on the backyard after 3 weeks of neglect. The grass has mostly died off due to the heat, while the weeds were fully grown. We cleared the weeds, did some trimming of the edge bushes, and watered the backyard. We will hold off on cutting the grass until wednesday, unless it is slated to rain.

We were able to clean the patio bricks of weeds and clean it a bit after much disorganization.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Take 2

Getting the dogs to sit correctly is not very easy.

DirectTV Comes to an End

Yesterday, Friday July 17th was our official last day of DirecTV. After being held under contract for 24 months, and delaying cancellation for 3 months, totaling in a 27 month streak of DirecTV programming has come to an end. (Let me add, we were paying a premium cost for basic programming in HD, their run on our checking account has come to an end).

For one, it was a bit sad, knowing it was about to end. I For our last night, we watched some old 80 sitcoms (Golden Girls), portions of a early 90's movie (Son-In-Law), and some terrible current MTV programming was our last bit of entertainment. Let's face it, there is a-lot of awful programming, and hardly worth paying for during the summertime (when we got stuff to do).

Ah, and yes,and a Final Detroit Tiger baseball game at the 'new' Yankee Stadium, and like most Tiger late game blunders, the Tigers lost in blazing style in a torrent rain to the Yankees as Zumaya gave up a 3 run homer and the lead. Pretty terrible news this morning, Zumaya going to the DL, he didn't look great last night, but didn't look like he was in pain either. Too bad there was not a rain delay while the Tigers actually had the lead.

In any event, we will go without paid cable until the beginning of winter(or earlier if the Tigers make the playoffs). Then we will get the service that can be added on with our local internet provider (free of contract-major +).

Until then, we have (television shows) online, Netflix (DVD movie Rentals in the Mail), and a multitude of other time-oriented projects to fill in the time.


First Post

Let us welcome you to our collective household blog. We will use this as a easy way to forward photos, news, on-goings, and anything that comes of up interest. The blog name is Hybrid Woofers, after much debate. We did not know what to do, other than we have a hybrid and we have 2 dogs. So if you are looking for something more creative, you're out of luck. Hopefully this will be easier to check out information than to download emails.