Friday, July 18, 2014

Basement Stair Idea

I saw this image of a stairway basement , it makes me want to do a big switch to is giving me some ideas.

Henry Ford Museum: Face Off

We were lucky to include the Henry Ford Museum into our Pure Michigan Summer Vacation. I was able to take photos of these vehicles, any one of these would look great in my garage.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Steak and Dental Floss

If I owned a steakhouse, every steak would come with a complimentary roll of dental floss. Steak never fails to enter between your teeth.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Forecasting TV: Leno to CNN ?

Just my hunch, I think Leno would be perfect for a primetime show on CNN, now with Piers Morgan canned, what is stopping this from happening? To me, as Jay is 63-65 years old, he would be a nice fit talking on a wide range of subjects. It would be the biggest thing to happen to CNN since?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Floating Shelves DYI

This project began in Jan., a few stops to big orange for 3" wood screws and wood. Originally, I had these metal 1.5" screws but upon use they totally stripped themselves from the hand drill. I have found a rough design of these shelves from a blog online.  Not much is different, but certainly selecting your wood type will vary your costs. My net cost was a out 70 dollars. Certainly I have learned a few tricks after doing these, so the following similar projects will go easier.