Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Detroit Cats not lookin so hot...

The Detroit Tigers get clocked out of the playoffs and a weekend later the Detroit Lions lose their second game in a row. What is going on....
1. The Tigers ran out of gas, after many of their players had bumps, bruises, and injuries that finally took the final death blow to their season.
2. The Lions are getting nailed with injuries and it will take smart play calling and coaching to help fill the void.
It is clear the offensive line is pretty average and can't be thought of near elite in any term. Off-season help will need to address these issues. The must talked about defensive line hasn't really been ringing the bell as of late, I don't know why. Where is Suh, where is KVB? No major plays, nothing. Time for this unit to start earning it during the games.
Redwings looked good until they dropped a 1-7 game vs. the Washington Capitals.... hmm.

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