Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring 2012

We haven't been posting too much, too busy with work, family....but we are trying to make room for improvements in our lawn, yard, and house.

Coming this weekend, I hope to show you all what I did to the spindles on our staircase.

I have been swapping the wooden spindles for iron, while the chore is tedious they are starting to look real good. I have a few parts left to buy, and in less than 3 hours time, it should be done.

The next project is creating a flower box behind our large windows outside. The goal of the flower box is to keep plants growing while keeping the hybridwoofers out. We have had mixed results with plants and our dogs and honestly it is a real pain dealing with these fools when it comes to nice plants. Hopefully, we can share our results.

My other half has been working on terrariums for our workspaces. They contain plants that can grow in office settings. Hopefully we can get our pictures loaded to share.

Take Care!


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