Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Next Venture...Tile

Our dining room has been destroyed by our labradoodle and his urine. Last week I ripped out the carpet to the Mrs. pleasant surprise...I figured that it would be fairly simple. Once the carpet was removed, I noticed the floor was not flat or level. This is going to be a major problem. I have reviewed different treatments online and one that I believe might just work is the utilization of roofing tiles. I will apply roofing tiles so that the floor becomes flat and level, then apply backerboard to the floor, then affix tile. This sounds easy, it may or may not be...anyway, I will try to capture the progress. No picture yet, but the carpet has been removed, cut up and bagged for the garbage.

Stay tuned!



  1. How bad is the floor? Have you looked into laminate? We just put this in our Kitchen. It has a stone print and worked great on our unlevel floor.

  2. The floor is fairly bad, not terrible, but not level. I am not a big fan of laminate as it is a real pain to remove later on (if you want to remove it). Although, that is good that you had success with it. We placed a fake wood floor in our basement but it floats and is not connected to anything except each other.
