Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Toilet Subfloor Removal

The master bathroom has been on ongoing project that begin with a flexing tile wall in the shower. This lead me to remove the walls, and remove the shower walls and associated floor. Once the tiling was complete (glass door is not yet), I began my efforts on the master closet by removing the carpet and replacing with large 24"x 12" tile. Upon completion, I moved the progress to the bathroom room and then into the toilet room. After removing the carpet, the toilet had created a ring of water damage to the subfloor. It was my act to remove the 3/4" plywood and replace, however I needed to add additional supports between the running rafters. To cover the hole, I needed to jig 3 pieces that covered these holes.

The main key is to transfer the load appropriately from the toilet to the new members to the rafters. Without, there would be a major issue.

Currently at this point, I need to screw them in and remove the baseboards, add the tile subfloor and begin the tiling process.  I have had bought a toilet riser device to allow the differential between the tile finish floor and the previous finish floor.

The Toilet and the Process... Part 1 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

2017 Hybridwoofers

We haven't blogged in so long, but I figured to go dust off the virtual dust and see if we can do something with this again.

Certainly the last part of the 2016 year has been bittersweet. Losing a job is tough business, finding a new job is even harder. But with 2017, the ability to push ahead and find something else is promising.

Many interviews have been had, not all are winners (obviously), but each are uniquely challenging. Finding a job is critical to meet some of our internal goals for this year.

This year we'd like to achieve a new fence in the back yard, some cedar box planters, some new windows for the house and potentially taking a few small vacations this year. Long term goal, to buy a RV of sorts that can be pulled with the truck and incorporate our dogs on some long weekends while showing our son that there is more to life than iPad, Chicken Nuggets and Candy.

The Hybridwoofers are still alive and well, although at age 10 and 9, they certainly have lost steam and take many naps, but still enjoy car rides and all the associated smells of the outdoors.

Hopefully 2017 is fruitful for you and us and we can document some successes along the way.
