Sunday, August 30, 2009

Park Day

Saturday was Park Day for the Hybridwoofers. The dogs took in the view of the pond, hit the trail after chipmunks and took a break on the park bench. The dogs are big fans of jumping in the car and taking off for a walk and run at the park. They wished they packed some burgers to grill once they got there to enjoy. If it works out, maybe on Sunday they can go to the big park next door.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sewing Project Complete: Baby-Everything-Diaper Bag

Mission accomplished!

Finally! It took me two hours to fix my bag, but it is complete. I basically had to make longer straps, tear out the edge stitching that attached the lining to the exterior, and re-sew.

The next projects that I would like to make are:

*Crib bedding
*Drapes for dining room and basement
*Baby clothes using cute modern embroidery patterns from
*Embroidered dog bandanna's

For my future projects, I would really like to use fabrics and patterns from ~ ultra modern!

Too many projects, but oh soooo much fun!


Saturday, August 22, 2009

700 Club

Bonds, Aaron, and Ruth...add another name...well not quite. After 52 weeks of jogging, the final tallies have been added...the results are:

M: 700

H: 262 and alot of workout videos (30 day shred by Jillian Michaels and Denise Austin Video).

These were tallied everyday on the white board, and were done on the treadmill, outside on the trails, taking the woofers, running during the week during lunch, before work, afterwork. Every combination was tried to determine best habits. Goal for year 2, will be 10 to 15 percent more. Year 2 values will start tomorrow on Sunday.


Saturday Bandana Day

Today, is Saturday, the day that the bandana is worn. Sporting a Shrek and Blue Bandana, the dogs are ready for anything that may come their way today. The Park? Chasing the Mailman? They are up for anything today...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Favre is Back

Brett Farve is back, joining the Vikings of Minnesota. Michael Vick is back, joined the Eagles earlier this week. I don't know what to say, I was thinking that this season would be Vick and Farveless, but now the season is more intriguing today than it looked last week at this time.

My predictions for the NFC Central/North

Minnesota 9-7

GreenBay 8-8

Chicago 7-9

Detroit 6-10

Six wins for Detroit might be a bit of a stretch, but I have a little faith that they can win 3 games at home and on the road.

Tuesdays with Rain

It is still rainy and misty out. The lawn is complete mud, and still a MPA is in effect.


Hopefully, it will stay summer for a few more weeks, until at least football season starts.


Sunday, August 16, 2009


Yardwork for this weekend looks to be more of a dream than reality due to the heavy rain in the area. That makes our house on 'muddy paw alert', every-time the dogs come in they have to get their paws wiped down, so they don't stain the carpeting. Springtime is really the worst when it comes to MuddyPawAlert, the backyard is a complete mess of mud.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We have purchased the domain name for our rightful place on the information superhighway. It took a couple of days, and a couple of painful hours, but now the bugs should be worked out.



Monday, August 10, 2009


We are entering 51 weeks of continual jogging/running measurement. So far, the numbers have been rather solid for both M & H for this year workout year. As a goal, a increase of 20 percent of the total yearly mileage once we receive a final total will be assumed for next years rate.

The hardest part is making it a weekly habit, especially when you run low in motivation. We have a White Board in our basement that allows for easy tracking. It is quite adequate as a reminder when it is a quick glance from our treadmill.

We have been requested to take part in a run/jog/walk next year, so it will be necessary to keep up the run to not be humiliated next spring.

The woofers have been pretty good trainers, but when rabbits and squirrels take priority over running the trail, chaos occurs.

Once final yearly mileage has been computed, it will be updated and a goal will be posted for the upcoming year.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Flowers in Copenhagen

This photo makes me happy everytime I see it, because of all the pretty flowers. This reminds me of the opening scenes of My Fair Lady.


Juicy Baubles

First Handmade Jewelry:

I am really proud of these pieces of jewelry! It took me about 4 hours total to make these two pieces ~ but next time I believe I will be faster! My creativity started when I saw the buddha beads ~ I think they are super fun!

Hopefully, I will have more jewelry projects completed soon ~ H

PS: The bracelet reminds me of the character Hoggle from the movie The Labyrinth, since he loved to collect chunky jewelry pieces!

Basement: Phase 1 Painting Complete

With the handrails back up and light switch cap, the dogs have reviewed the work and signed off on inspection. We received negative reviews from the K9 Inspectors that Food and Water Bowls were not adequately placed along the stairwell.

Hybrid Woofer

This is the official Hybrid Woofers photo for your viewing pleasure.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pano Party Photos


The second painting project is underway, painting our multi-use basement from a yellow to silver screen silver. This will be a large time consuming project, hopefully it can be completed within 4 weekends. The first phase is painting the stairwell, this portion is the most dubious of all the phases. It presents enclosed spaces, tight geometry, and awkward angles. The second photo is the first coat only, and currently shows the status at this moment.


Back in the Saddle Again

We are back in town after a nice trip back to Michigan last weekend. It was great seeing everyone that we could over our brief trip back. As you can tell the dogs were 'nosey' on trip when we got back. Once we gave them a summary, they were content on being back home from the dog sitter. We have been busy getting back into the gear of our normal schedules, while trying to catch up on some household chores. We will update some photos that were taken, and interesting on-goings around here.