Sunday, September 27, 2009

Working Out

After 5 weeks, we look like this:

M: 68 Miles
H: 23 Videos

Hopefully we can keep it up as football season is underway.

Detroit Lions Win

The Detroit Lions beat the Washington Redskins today 19-14; it literally went down to the last play. With 8 seconds left in the game, the Skins were within 35 yards from beating Detroit. The QB from the Redskins, Campbell threw a 8 yard flare to the right side of the field, after a couple of laterals, the game was over. Thankfully, with a victory the Lions look to restore what was left of the roar. The game was a non-sellout, so no one within 100 miles (or anyone that cared about the Lions) were not able to watch the game. Too bad, it turned out to be a great game.

Gameball: Kevin Smith, 101 yards, left in 3rd Qtr with injury
Gameball: Defensive Line, 1 sack, but kept the Washington Running game to void.

Smallest Crowd in Lion history at Ford Field was in Attendance at 40K fans.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekend Recap

The time does fly on the weekends, where does it go?

Saturday Day, Spend alot of time Cleaning the Yard: Net Result Many Lawn Bags!

Saturday Night, we made this dish I would call Meatsa-Meatsa, it tasted better than it looked!!

And Sunday, Cleaned the Back Patio inbetween Football games, total fail on both my teams winning. At least it looks cleaner than it did on Friday!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wedding in TC

The Weekend Wedding was very nice. Outside of my travel plans getting nearly destroyed by Fog in Chicago. My one hour flight got diverted to Milwaukee to refuel, it took nearly 4 hours to "refuel". O'Hare Airport when all planes are delayed is a nightmare, I can't imagine it worse, wait...if it was snowing in November...then it would be worse!

Here are some pictures of the weekend:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Greek Festival

Tonight we went to a Greek Festival at a local Greek Orthodox Church. The food was pretty awesome. This is the second year we have gone, it has made it into our yearly pursuits locally. Quite good stuff!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Eatin' Good in My Neighborhood

Oven Rotisserie Chicken!

Cost 6.00

Couscous with Mushrooms: 1.50

Total 7.50

Cost Per Person: 3.75

Good Guys Win

Saturday Labor Day Weekend Walk

Saturday was Park day, at high noon they walked 3 miles of trails. The Woofers were in high demand, many park goers wanted to visit with the woofers during their walk. The Woofers obliged and were exhausted by the end of the trip. It made us wonder if they get so tired from 3 miles in the local park, would they be able to go camping next year in Colorado?

Check out the huge spider web below, it might of been 2'x2'x2' in dimensions, it was huge!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hero Status Achieved

Tonight I saved some body's dog while jogging. I know, hold your applause.

I went jogging, saw some woman trying to tackle her unleashed dog unsuccessfully along a fence-line near a semi-busy street. I went over offered to help corral the dog, knowing the frustration of having a dog get loose in town (not fun). After 2 minutes of no progress, I realized my I-phone was on my shoulder.

I took the earphones off, and told the woman, "don't worry, I have an App for that".

She replied, "really??"

I scrolled the menu over 3 levels and turned on the Free I-phone Dog Whistle Application. I turned it on medium to high frequency, and blared the sound of high screeching noise. The dog stopped instantly in it's tracks (so did the other 2 crazy dogs behind the fence). But the unleashed dog did not stop fully, he started to chase the dogs, but after 15 seconds he stopped and calmly walked to it's owner.

The woman told me that the dog had jumped over a privacy fence and has twice already done so.

The Morale of the Story, never leave home without your Phone, especially if your phone can tell time, surf the internet, play music, download daily ESPN podcast, or become a Dog Whistle!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sunday Dinner

This Sunday, our dinner came from Cooks Magazine. Chicken and Dumplings, I was a bit skeptical of eating such a hearth-like meal in the Month of August, but Since it Global Warming hasn't exactly kept it too hot here last month, Chicken and Dumplings hit the spot. The chicken was utilized from Leg and thigh meat that was pulled 'by hand', I know, laborious acts. We figured it made enough for us to eat dinner and lunch,

Net cost 1.50 per person, per meal.
Good Guys Win Again!