Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Movie Review: Monsters Inc.

Finally watched that movie (or at least the entire flick at once)...which made me wonder. Why did it take 8 years to actually watch this movie? Well it seemed to fall through the cracks from busy college days. But when I looked up when Monsters Inc. was released to theaters, I saw the issue. Nov 2, 2001, why that date is significant? Well I can't recall seeing many movies especially after the terror attacks of 9/11. Anyway, I wonder what other movies did I miss? Certainly not the Lord of the Rings trilogy!

We watched a sub-definition version via Netflix Online via the XBox360 (ah, how watching movies is so easy). Billy Crystal and John Goodman actually sounded like their characters, a little guy and a big guy. As we watched, they had several things in the movie: One, a toy of Nemo from Finding Nemo made an appearance. This is of note, as Finding Nemo was released after Monsters Inc. But the great Toy Story tie-in was in the ending credits, the Dinosaur is in a out-take.

Finally, the character Roz, made us think it reminded us of someone or thing we have seen....after much thinking....it matches the Grandma from the Dinosaurs television show! Those glasses are something else.Totally Awesome: 9.3/10.0

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