Vacation planning might be one of the worst parts of going on a vacation. The process is usually broken in 3 portions. The Idea, The Research, and The Juggle.
1. The Idea, this is the time spent thinking of what/where/when to go. This usually contains the locations that you would want to visit, but other factors come into play and by process of simple elimination, you end up with one solution.
2. The Research, this is the time spent reviewing where to stay, what to do, what to see. This process could be the most time intensive portion, next to the vacation itself. Should I do this? Maybe we shouldn't do that, that is too expensive...maybe we can do this instead.
The process never ends.
3. The Juggle, the time spent taking all portions of the equation and coming to a final answer. This would include the timeline, the cash budget, the itinerary, and the major must do.
The Major Must Do, is the one activity that must be done for the trip to be labeled a success.
For example, heading to a mountainous region, the must-do might be a good several hours hiking. Heading to Vegas, the must-do might include hitting up a uber-buffet or seeing a prime show.
In any event, Trip/Vacation planning is timely and cumbersome. One day it may be fun, to take a week off, and jump on a random flight to discover some new city.
M: 10
H: 7
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