Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union...of Detroit Sports

The Tigers: The offseason continues to show great promise to the spring and summer ahead. Let's hope such great effort will produce post season baseball in the fall.

The Redwings: Great regular season so far, but injuries have taken its grip on the team again. Hopefully they can super glue their team until the playoffs come near and then turn on the jets to fuel a Stanley Cup push.

The Lions: Terrible injuries, great promise of rookies has brought some self-esteem to Lions nation. The 4 game winning streak at the end of the season really brought some much needed light in our stormy 2010 season.

The Pistons: What can you say, they are terrrrible. This team is dysfunctional and are absolutely no fun to watch. The team is under a ownership change, and hopefully it will include a broom to their management as well. I hate to write it, but it is so hard to watch this team 8 to 12 games under .500. Especially playing ball in the NBA Eastern Conference. You add in the mismanagement of Richard Hamilton to the mix and this situation is disgusting. So Sad, So Sad, maybe the Pistons will win the NBA lottery.

Great Photo from the Detroit News that illustrates the Dwindling Piston Support :


M: 15
H: 7

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