Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oven Baked ChickenVegs, Couscous and Risotto Lentils

I spent my time off on Monday creating dinner, in which I used in all reality scraps from the pantry and fridge.

I had a chicken breast, some non cooked couscous and lentils, celery, green onion, and some broccoli and 3 mushrooms. What to make? I went to the web and used 3 recipes that were close and came up with my own; Oven Baked Chicken and Vegetables with Couscous and Risotto Lentils.

I totally underestimated how long it takes to cook lentils via risotto method, constantly stirring and adding broth. That process took over 75 minutes.

I used some Turkey/Mushroom end caps Broth for the Couscous and Lentils, and added some cooking white wine to the lentils in the beginning. I made way more than necessary for one dinner, so there would be ample left over for lunch the next day.

Not too shabby...for a caveman.


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